Monday, March 22, 2010

BBC News - Germany warns against use of Firefox browser

BBC News - Germany warns against use of Firefox browser

I just read this so I have no advice at the moment.  But I will be looking into this,
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Law Enforcement Officials: Gang Members Using Twitter, Facebook More And More -

Law Enforcement Officials: Gang Members Using Twitter, Facebook More And More -

The world has come a long way technologically.  There are now so many ways to use technology and not all of them are good.  I just thought this article might be interesting to those of you who use Twitter and Face book.  Man, is this distorted or what?
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Need Vista speech recognition?

Well folks, this is a very simple tip that I do not have any knowledge about until just a few days ago. For weeks I’ve been looking for a, and I hate to admit this, but a torrent file of the dragon speak. As most of you know this is a speech recognition program. I felt that this would be an asset to my blogging an article writing. However, I was challenged to find a working copy on any of the torrent sites. It seems that there was always something wrong.
Suddenly one day I spotted a blog with an interesting article which I began reading in earnest. The author said something very interesting. He said if you have this to on your computer then you already have speech recognition. I thought surely this man was delirious. However out all the steps he outlined and lo and behold there was indeed a speech recognition program. Here’s where you find it.

Go to the bottom left side of your screen and hit start.

Next click on all programs.

Then click on an accessories.

Move your cursor down to ease of access and click.

Look for speech recognition and click on that.

Then simply follow the prompts which are very simple and few. I suggest you follow the video tutorial which makes using the program a breeze. And, there you go.

Once you get a hang the of all of the commands available the speech recognition program becomes a godsend. Just think there are a whole lot of people still spending anywhere from one to $300 for the dragon speech recognition program. So check it out and enjoy.