Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Experience PIP on laptop

Have you ever needed to have the PIP (picture in picture) experience on your laptop?  Well, On Top Replica can give you just that.  Check out the details in my full post at this link            http://is.gd/Z7CWT3 .

Artec T18AR TV Receiver Digital (Google Affiliate Ad)

356477_$35.33, 3.2-inch Touch Screen Quadband Dual SIM Standby Dual Camera Cell Phone with TV/FM/Java

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just a Thought

This is just a thought I had this morning.  I received in the mail a new micro phone headset for my laptop.  One of the many vendors at Amazon.com sold it to me for under five dollars with free shipping.  Needless to say I was a bit skeptical since the product was so cheap but since I had used a free Amazon card to pay for it, it was quite free.  And by the way, the Amazon card was earned on Swagbucks.com from my daily searches.  The first and best tip I could possibly give you is to visit that site and take advantage of it.Simply follow my referral link http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/MrDprince  . 

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that we should always have good equipment to use in whatever endeavors we might employ them in.  That does not mean they have to be expensive, merely good.  So, please keep your PC or laptop in good condition.  Keep your software up to date, but remember sometimes the older editions of software may be the best for you.  Such has been the case for me.

Listen, I know I have not posted much on this website and I apologize.  I have had a very long learning curve, but believe that I am now up to speed.  So please look forward to more content in the near future.

Here's hoping that my tips will help.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to leave a comment.